The “omnivorous” diet
In Latin “omni” means “all”, and “vorare”, “eat”.
So having an omnivorous diet is eating everything according to the seasons, availability and individual tastes. The omnivore eats both plant foods and originals animals. Well balanced, this food mode covers all the needs of the body.
Vegetarian food
The vegetarian diet can be a lacto-ovovégétarienne type or Lacto vegetarian type. People who eat a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet exclude all types of meats and fish/shellfish from their diet, but continue to eat alongside the plants of milk, dairy products and eggs.
The Lacto-vegetarian diet also excludes eggs.
Overall a well balanced vegetarian diet compared to protein sources is a healthy diet that covers all the physiological needs of the body.
Vegan food (vegetable)
The vegan diet excludes any product of animal origin and is based only on products of vegetable origin. This type of diet is deficient in vitamin B12 that we only find naturally in animals. Deficiencies in certain mineral salts (eg calcium, zinc, iron) as well as in essential fatty acids can also settle in the long run especially if the menus are not composed in a correct way. Balancing this mode of food requires the systematic introduction of food supplements. We recommend talking to your doctor or a dietician.