There are no “good” or “bad” foods, only bad eating habits. Neglecting or favoring one food group at the expense of another will sooner or later lead to difficulties and health problems.
This can result in low resistance to common diseases, growth disorders, fragility of the framework, etc.
In turn, they lead to physical (breathing difficulties, metabolic, joint, hypertension, etc.) and psychological problems (loss of self-confidence, emotional problems, etc.). The “ideal” weight is not a question of fashion but of figures. It is a weight between a minimum and maximum value, which is statistically associated with a longer life expectancy: this is one of the signs of good health. To calculate your BMI (body mass index), divide your weight (in kg) by your height squared (height x height, in m2). Be careful, this calculation does not apply to children. BMI is considered optimal between 20 and 25.
The presence of cholesterol in the blood is not a disease. It is even essential for the proper functioning of the body. But a high rate of “bad” cholesterol promotes the emergence of other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases.
The bone mass available in adulthood is formed during childhood and adolescence.
Calcium intake is therefore essential before the age of 20 years. Fragility of the frame leads to a risk of osteoporosis (more frequent fractures) at a later age.
Some excess blood fats can adhere to the walls of the blood vessels, shrink or even clog (thrombosis). The risk of cardio-circulatory insufficiency may then increase: angina pectoris or infarction, cerebrovascular accident or progressive cerebral deterioration or attacks of other vessels (carotid artery, aorta, etc.).
Abnormal blood levels of fats (lipids) may be due to:
• dietary errors: for example excessive calorie intake and excessive lipid intake especially if it is certain animal fats (red meat, sausages)
• Congenital diseases that affect the metabolism of fats.