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Eat healthily and sustainably with the food pyramid

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Healthy eating requires common sense. There is no question of embarking on extreme slimming treatments or imposing too severe requirements. Everything is a matter of moderation: you can eat a biscuit, but not the whole box, you can drink a glass of wine, but not half a bottle. These are the small streams that make the big rivers!

The 3 main points of the food pyramid

1) Eat proportionally more foods of plant origin than animal:

A predominantly plant-based diet offers the best guarantees for health and has a reduced impact on the environment. We consume too much meat and too little fiber-rich vegetable food, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, legumes, and nuts.
Aspire to more responsible meat consumption and choose other sources of protein, such as legumes.

2) Avoid as much as possible processed foods :

Our diet has evolved from a diet consisting of largely unprocessed staples and freshly prepared foods to the frequent use of highly processed and ready foods.
Highly processed or ultra-processed foods are characterized by the addition of large amounts of sugar, (saturated) fats and salt. These are high-calorie foods and low nutritional value (they contain few essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber). This leads to a worldwide increase in obesity and other chronic diseases. These foods have no added value in a healthy diet and are therefore superfluous.

3) Do not waste food and moderate your consumption:

We eat all day long and more than necessary. Overconsumption and food waste constitute a collective “threat” to health and the environment. Therefore, try to eat less (or no more than necessary) and become aware of the importance of portion size. Plan your meals and food purchases, as it avoids waste and reduces waste is automatically more durable.

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